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Products Windows 10/11
- TN5250 for Windows 10/11
- TN3270 for Windows 10/11
- Telnet/SSH for Windows 10/11
- TN3812 for Windows 10/11
Products Windows XP
- TN5250 for Windows XP
- TN3270 for Windows XP
- TN3812 for Windows XP
- LPD for Windows
- Telnet/SSH for Windows XP
Products Windows CE - Windows Mobile
- Remote Client for Windows Mobile
- VNC client for Windows Mobile
- Mocha Barcode for CE
- Mocha Browser for CE
- Mocha TN5250 for CE
- Telnet for CE
Products Windows ActiveX
Products Chromebook
Products macOS
- Mocha Snip for macOS
- TN5250 for macOS
- TN3812 for macOS
- TN3270 for macOS
- Mocha Keyboard formacOS
- CamBarcode
- Snip
- Telnet Server
Products Java
Products iPhone/iPad
- Pin Reminder for Apple Watch
- VNC for iPhone
- Mocha Scan - PDF for iPhone/iPad
- Learn BASIC programming for iPhone/iPad
- X11 for iPhone
- TN5250 for iPhone
- TN3270 for iPhone
- Ping for iPhone
- Mocha Replay
- iSys for iPhone
- RDP for iPhone
- Telnet for iPhone
- QR scanner for iPhone
- WOL for iPhone
- Text Browser for iPhone
- Barcode Browser for iPhone
Products Android
- TN5250 for Android
- Barcode for Android
- Bluetooth Mouse and keybaord for Android
- TN3270 for Android
- VNC for Android
- Telnet for Android
- Ping for Android
- QR Easy for Android
- LPR (License Plate Recognition) for Android
Products kaiOS
- Windows 7/10/11 products
- macOS products
- Android products
- Windows XP products
- CE and Windows Mobile products
- Activex Objects
- Linux products
- BlackBerry products
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