- Server: URL for the scanner page on the Web Server.
- License Plate layout:10 Different layouts for license plates can be defined. 8=digit,A=Letter and ? is either digit or letter
- Scan to function: Call javascript function onscan() after the scan has been completed.
- Scan to field: Update the field given as parameter to the scan action. If scan is started from the toolbar button, fieldname platefield1 will be used.
- Beep: Sound is used after the scan has been completed.
- Vibrate: Device will vibrate after the scan has been completed.
- Auto lock: If NO, the screen will not lock as to save power, if YES, the auto lock configuration from the iOS is used.
- Scan button: Display Scan button in the toolbar.
- Back button: Display back button in the toolbar.
- Forward button: Display forward button in the toolbar.
- Reload button: Display reload button in the toolbar.
- Reload function, loads start page: Either reload current page, or the Server URL page.
- Scan button: Display Scan button in the toolbar.
- Lock configuration: Add password protection to the configuration.
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