* Mocha W32 TN3270 version 7.1 *
* Copyright (C) MochaSoft *
* All Rights Reserved *
This is the README.TXT file for Mocha W32 TN3270
Mocha W32 TN3270 is an Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP application. It makes it
possible to connect to a host via TCP/IP with the TN3270 protocol
and emulate a 3287 terminal.
It cannot be recommended to use this version on Windows 3.1 with
win32s support. Use Mocha W16 TN3270, which also can be downloaded
from www.mochasoft.dk
*** Order ***
Visit www.mochasoft.dk for latest information. You can order with
Credit card or check/postal money order.
Single User license : 29.85 USD
Company License : 299 USD
Check also file register.txt
*** Installation ***
TN3270 is release as either an self-installation file mw3270.exe and
as a Zip file package.
- unpack files with a zip utility, into a temporary catalog.
- load program setup.exe and follow instructions.
If problems with the installation, copy all files to a new
catalog and rename setup.exe to mtn3270.exe. Start Mocha W32
TN3270 with loading mtn3270.exe.
mw3270.exe /S
gives a silent installation
*** Uninstallation ***
Use Windows tool "Add/Remove Programs" in the Control Panel. Select
Mocha W32 TN3270 and click Add/Remove.
*** Documentation ***
The documentation has been included in the Window Help
system. Select Help in the menu.
*** Bugs ***
If any bugs are observed, or ideas for improvement of the product,
please to not hesitate to contact support@mochasoft.net.
*** Change list ***
version 1.0:
First version.
version 1.1:
- Problems with keyboard mapping.
- added []~^ characters to ebcdic.map
version 1.2 970908
- Exit (alt F4) while an open session with the host, could give wrong termination
of the socket, and the IBM host would keep the session alive.
- Command READ MODIFIED could fail
- Wrong Query Reply for type 3278-2
- Missing | in the ebcdic.map file
- Uninstallation, would also remove a Mocha W32 Telnet configuration.
- Close in the state of an icon, would give problems
next time tn3270 was loaded
- Added support for position cursor with the Mouse (left click)
- Use the bell on an input error
- Delete all input function would not delete fields of size 1.
version 1.3 970916
- added support for Del, Enter and BackSpace in file tnkeys.map
- added new functions :
key End : Erase from cursor to end of field
key Enter : NEW LINE
key Del : Delete character at cursor
- added new parameters:
/S1 : not possible to save configuration on exit.
/R1 : not possible to select a new host name from the connect menu.
version 1.4 971001
- clear did not put cursor in position 0
- read of a screen with no fields, did not include AID + cursor position.
version 1.5
- clear key did not reset current buffer address
- new User defined keys added : right-ctrl -> ENTER
Scroll-Lock -> CLEAR
Pause -> RESET
- erase field did not set MDT bit, and therefore the change of the field
was not reported to the host.
- added support for break, on a connect request, with left mouse key.
- added support for keys CTRL+C and CTRL+V as COPY/PASTE functions.
version 1.51
- Read Modified all command did not response with last AID key but
a No AID 0x60.
version 1.5.2 971120
- added new function HOME: Goto first field on the screen. As default it is
mapped to ctrl f4
- in 640*480 screen mode the screen was displayed as 79.5 characters
- added new functions ATTN and SYSREQ
ATTN : ctrl f9
SYSREQ ctrl f10
Remark these keys are not universally supported of all Hosts.
- Screen could be filled with character ? on connection initialisation
- Added new menu: settings - keyboard layout.
- Added new menu: settings - ebcdic translation
version 1.5.3 971124
- Program Tab (PT) order did not delete fields if not followed a control command.
version 1.5.4 971206
- DEL key did not always force MDT bit on fields.
- added numeric keypad + and - as function keys. As default
they will just be normal +- keys, but it is possible to map them to
other functions as TAB.
version 1.5.5 980128
- added time stamp to log files
- fixed problem with menu short-cuts
version 1.5.6 980129
- NL could in some screens move the cursor 2 lines down
- too many linefeeds in log files
- CLEAR key did not reset numeric only attribute
version 1.5.7 980214
- In insert mode, new characters can now, only be typed if space in the field
version 1.5.8 980220
- Automatic skip did not work correct. (how cursor should move after last
character location in a field has been used)
- Improved support for full screen mode
version 1.5.9
- problem with full screen mode and alternate screen has been solved
- Erase Unprotected (EUA) order, did not update value of buffer address.
version 1.6.0
- Erase unprotected to address order, could in some situations delete
protected fields and result in a wrong buffer address
- new browse dialog box at installation
version 1.6.1
- Possible to call program from Netscape 4.x. Call syntax
on html page is
tn3270 starts here
and in Netscape configuration for programs change URL:TN3270 to
"C:\Program Files\Mochasoft\mtn3270.exe" /H %1
version 1.6.2 980702
- NL function could move the cursor to a line with no fields defined
- New feature: Auto reconnect in the connect dialog box
- Dup key did not move the cursor to next field
- Sound alarm did not work correct
- New feature: Cursor position is displayed in the status line
- Possible to pre-install license key into the package. Include
a file named LIC3270 with the package with following contents:
<> should not be included.
Version 1.6.3 980803
- Better support for special characters in danish.map
- Modify Field Order did not work correct.
Version 1.6.4 980813
- Automatic skip (how cursor should jump to next field)
did not work correct.
- Hardcopy of the screen did not print last line.
Version 1.6.5 980828
- Ignore CR NL EM and FF control characters in the data stream. Some
applications use these characters as field marks, and these characters
must be displayed as blank characters and returned to the host unchanged.
version 1.6.6 980910
- support for different language scripts for the specified terminal or
printer font
version 1.6.7 981027
- Shift TAB in a screen with only one field, would move the cursor
to a wrong position.
- A MF order from the host would not clear the old color. The result
would in some cases be a wrong field color.
- Default green color has been changed to a "stronger" color
version 1.6.8 981124
- Delete of a character, would insert a space at end of
a field. It should be a zero.
- New option in menu - settings - keyboard layout: Possible
to swap Numlock Del between "." and ","
- New Microsoft Compiler (c++ 6.0)
- Increased syntax check for keyboard file
- New layout of Menu - help - Keyboard Mapping
Version 1.6.9 981213
- A set attribute order (SA) with default type, could for
the next field result in a missing underscore or other display
Version 1.7.0 990219
- A Set Attribute (SA) order with type zero would not reset
all attributes. As an example a reverse video object could be
displayed incorrect.
Version 1.7.1 990223
- added new functions keys:
CTRL P : Hardcopy of the screen
Version 1.7.2 990309
- Error in "Erase unprotected to Address" order
Version 1.7.3 990414
- Problem with Insert in a field with 0x0 characters.
- Del will only delete characters at the current line
- Newline should in a field of many lines only jump to the next line
and not to the next field on the next line.
Version 1.7.4 990419
- Reply mode was not reset at an Erase write command with WCC Reset
Version 2.0 990506
- New Design of Connect dialog.
- Added Confirm Exit option
- New font dialog box. Now the screen and fonts can be controlled
with a change of the terminal window size.
- Better screen display with full use of the screen.
- Full screen mode will survive between program loads
- New function keys:
key mapped as default:
MULTIPLY REAL* (only for keypad *)
DIVIDE REAL/ (only for keypad /)
- Possible to use keypad +-
- New function in menu Edit: Select all : Copy screen to clipboard
- Setup.exe will test if a keyboard file exist, and give a warning
- Possible to select different cursor types (including Crosshair)
- Security Warning if program is started in log mode.
- Moved option "Show Negotiation" to Log Traffic dialog box.
- Right mouse has been changed to a context menu, making it
easier to use the clipboard.
- If setup.exe is started with parameter /SILENT, there will
be no user dialog in the installation process.
- If a screen is send as an attached file (e-mail), it
will be named ibm.txt.
- New option in menu - settings- printer. It is now possible
to ignore the print selection dialog.
- New feature typeahead in menu - settings
- Status of toolbar and status bar was not saved between program
- NL function did not work correct in all types of
- Autoconnect could give an error
- Support for many different languages (see menu - settings language)
- Problem with 0x8 support. Now graphic characters will be shown as "-"
- New feature : SOCKS V.4 proxy support
version 2.1 990512
- support for different language scripts for the specified terminal or
printer font
- Faster screen update
- Enter or any other key, that causes host communication must
return the keyboard to normal mode (Insert mode off)
version 2.2 990515
- Support for long host names in the connect dialog box
- Cross-hair cursor would not look correct on all screen sizes
version 2.3 990621
- As default NumLock Del key is "," on a Danish keyboard
- In Menu - settings - keyboard layout, it is possible
to select if the program should check for numeric
field types. Some old IBM Host programs uses Alphameric input
in Numeric fields.
Version 2.4 990702
- A SA order in the end of a 3270 frame would be ignored, which
could result in a missing field on the last line of the screen
Version 2.5 990730
- On a 800*600 screen part of characters in position 80 could be
missing. As a 800 width screen gives space for 79.5 characters
the program must now select a smaller font. As this can give problems
reading the text on old hardware,
a new menu option (menu - view - ignore border) has been
added for the customers who prefer a 79.5 character screen with
large characters.
Version 2.6 990830
- New option in Connect Advanced. It is possible to select a
keep alive timer. It will send TIMING MARK requests every 15 second.
This option should solve a problem, with some types of ISDN routers,
which will abort running telnet sessions. Take care, as the keep alive
option could give a large phone bill !
Version 2.7 991015
- A SA order could be ignored, result would be a wrong color of a text.
Version 3.0 991122
- New EBCDIC tables: Russian Czech and Greek.
- Can accept backspace characters in ASCII mode (used in proxy mode)
- More fonts to choose from. See http://www.mochasoft.dk FAQ
for an URL to the Andale Mono font.
- Selection of screen for Copy to clipboard could give a crash!
- On a NT the program will make the shortcut to the common program
- Possible to pre-install the configuration in file config32.txt.
- Auto login function in menu - settings. Possible to save
an IBM Host user/password name (without much security!)
- Possible to customize the toolbar
- Macro support
Version 3.1 000308
- can accept a buffer address outside the screen. This is not very nice,
but some old IBM applications uses this option!
- ATTN or SYSREQ will work if in X-WAIT state
- At a screen without any fields, the cursor would be position
at the last buffer address. It was not correct
- A Macro could not use the ATTN/SYSREQ keys
Version 3.2 000310
- A field with underscore at column 80, could write in column 81. Would
not look very nice, but otherwise this bug did not create problems.
Version 3.3 001019
- Extended attributes should be ignored if "nondisplay" is set
in the field attribute. Not a very common situation.
Version 3.4 001020
- The SA order with code reset, should not change the attribute
at the current buffer address. Result could be a wrong color
attribute on the screen. Not a very common situation.
Version 3.5 011113
- TAB will not work correct if 2 field attributes follow each other
in the data stream.
- If a character was typed in insert mode at a full field, an error
would not be reported in all cases.
- Delete of a character in a multi line field was not correct in all
Version 4.0 011129
- License information will also be stored at Machine and not
just at user level in the registry.
- EBCDIC tables includes support for the Euro symbol.
- Possible to select Script types for fonts
- Changed the filename generation in the Mail option. Some mail
programs could get confused if they received a request for sending
the same mail file more than once.
- Possible to save use full screen mode
- Keypad / and * did not work correct
Version 4.1 020114
- Shortcut to menu at installation , was not created correct in all types
of XP installations
Version 4.2 030207
- pressing NL, and the next line starts with a set of field attributes
giving a wrong cursor position.
- Field attribute character bit 0 and 1 was wrong in a read buffer command reply.
Version 4.2.1 030207
- Pressing Enter in a screen without fields and no READ command
pending, should return
AID + cursor address + screen data. The old version did only return
the AID + cursor address
Version 4.2.2 030213
- Fixed bug created in 4.2.1
Version 5.0 030310
- Print Screen key can be used
- Installation diretory for files, are stored in the global registry.
- New program Icon
- Paste/copy can also use Excel CSV format.
- New paste Excel format option in mouse right click menu.
- New menu option in menu - edit - Paste (ctrl v) uses Excel Csv format
- New parameters to the program
- /M1 : hide menu bar
- /T1 : Hide tool bar
- Shift cursor can be used to select text
- new menu option in menu - settings - keyboard layout - Shift arrow as select
- Printer margin size can be defined
- new menu option in menu - settings - printer
version 5.1 030313
- nondisplay protected underscore fields should not be shown on the screen.
- problem with SA orders and empty space on the screen.
version 5.2 031205
- A keyboard lock situation could be ignored in some situations.
- if keypad key + is defined as the TAB function, holding down the key would
create + characters and not just a set of TAB functions.
version 5.3 050513
- menu - file - send (mail), would not include position 80 of the screen. Only 1 - 79
version 5.4 050812
- a NULL character would overwrite previous text on the screen.
Version 5.5 050921
- problem fixed in 5.4 was wrong. The bug was a mainframe application
setting the buffer address outside the screen. This is not legal, but this
version tries to survive such a situation.
Version 5.6 060102
- A line copied to the clipboard with many fields, could give a crash
Version 6.0 , 29 November 2006
- new menu and tool bar design
- better handling of Paste in Excel format. Also Table format (menu - edit) can now be
used with this function
- added cut function
- new about/license dialog
- check for Windows Vista OS
- New screen update function. Removed flicker, and if a crosshair cursor
is used, the full screen will work
Version 6.1
- Parameters /T1 and /M1 did not work (display tool bar and menu bar)
Version 6.2
- If using ClearType for screen fonts, the cursor would not be
shown correct.
Version 6.3 , February 15, 2007
- Paste in text format worked only for a single field.
Version 7.0 . August 1, 2007
- added SSL (RC4-128-MD5)
Version 7.1 4 August 2009
- problem with extended highlighting and default request in a Modify field order
*** List Of Files ***
The Mocha W32 TN3270 package consists of the following files.
README.TXT Introductory information
setup.exe Installation program (*)
mtn3270.hlp Help file
mtn3270.cnt Index to help file
tnkeys.map Function key mapping (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.map EBCDIC <-> ASCII table US (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.ita EBCDIC <-> ASCII table Italy (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.ger EBCDIC <-> ASCII table Austria/Germany (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.spa EBCDIC <-> ASCII table Spain (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.fr EBCDIC <-> ASCII table French (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.uk EBCDIC <-> ASCII table United Kingdom (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.rus EBCDIC <-> ASCII table Russian (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.fin EBCDIC <-> ASCII table Finland/Sweden (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.ice EBCDIC <-> ASCII table Iceland (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.dk EBCDIC <-> ASCII table Danish/Norway (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.cz EBCDIC <-> ASCII table EastEurope (**) (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.grk EBCDIC <-> ASCII table Greek (ASCII file)
ebcdic52.tur EBCDIC <-> ASCII table Turkish (ASCII file)
LICENSE.TXT license agreement/warranty disclaimer
REGISTER.TXT order form
(*) setup.exe will be renamed to
mtn3270.exe : Mocha W32 TN3270 application
mtn3270uninstall.exe : uninstallation program
(**) Romania, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech, Hungary, Poland,
Slovakia, Slovenia
If you did not receive all these files please contact
support@mochasoft.dk, or check www.mochasoft.dk